SS Rajamouli's 'Baahubali' created history in Indian cinema with his larger-than-life canvas and intriguing storyline. Sharing that he's adept with the mass-action genre, which is also Prabhas' strength, the film could help him redeem his career: "Prabhas has been going through a rough patch after Baahubali 2. If 'Salaar's' content matches the hype or even if it passes the minimum …
Actors Kriti Sanon and Sunny Singh are the latest additions to the star cast of Prabhas-starrer Adipurush, which will With her post, Kriti also shared a photograph in which she was seen posing with a smiling Prabhas and Pyaar Ka Punchnama fame Sunny Singh. Saif Ali Khan, the other big name in the movie, will be seen in a completely …