Noida Special Task Force has apprehended Vidhu Gupta in connection with the Chhattisgarh liquor scam. Vidhu Gupta, the director of Greater Noida-based company Prism Holography and Security Film Private Limited, was taken into custody. Accused list Niranjand Das, IAS, former Excise Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Arun Pati Tripathi, MD, CSMCL & Special Secretary, Chhattisgarh Anwar Dhewar, Political Figure Anil Tuteja, IAS, former …
Before being allegedly involved in leaking the Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Exam, 2023, this February, kingpin Ravi Atri, an MBBS drop-out, had allegedly leaked the papers of several prestigious government recruitment examinations over the past 15 years, said officers of the Uttar Pradesh special task force, the agency investigating the paper leak, said on Wednesday. His father, who has around …
The kingpin of the gang that allegedly leaked the Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Exam 2023 paper in February this year was arrested by the Uttar Pradesh special task force from Greater Noida on Wednesday morning, said senior officers involved in the probe, adding that each candidate who wanted the leaked question paper was told to pay ₹7 lakh. Ravi Atri …
Cops fear spare parts that were being salvaged and sent back to China also included memory chips through which the Chinese were stealing personal data of Indians from their scrapped phones GB Nagar: The eleven Chinese nationals, who have been arrested in connection with what could be a spy ring running out of UP’s Noida, were running a smartphone scrap …
Two men, accused of duping banks of crores of rupees using credit cards made on the basis of forged Aadhaar and PAN cards, have been arrested from Greater Noida by the Uttar Pradesh police, officials said on Wednesday. The Special Task Force of the state police also recovered electronic data of 25,000 citizens which includes their phone numbers, Aadhaar and …