A team of top officials of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry visited some sites on the Rashtriya Smriti Sthal campus for the memorial of former prime minister Manmohan Singh, sources said on Thursday. The government has shortlisted two locations – Ekta Sthal or Vijay Ghat around the Rashtriya Smriti Sthal for the memorial of the ex-prime minister, according …
The founder of City Montessori School and educationist Jagdish Gandhi was laid to rest with full state honours, at the Bahai Samadhi Sthal, next to Bhainsa Kund cremation ground, on Wednesday. Among the followers of different religions were Pandit Hari Prasad Mishra, SK Abidi, Rajendra Singh Bagga, Fr Rajesh D’Souza, Bhante Sheel Ratan, Shailendra Jain and Aman Mohajer etc. The …
On Monday, a video of Trinamool Congress MP Saket Gokhale being pushed by a Delhi police personnel went viral on social media. In a blatant display of hostility, not only did police officials and site authorities attempt to disrupt our peaceful dharna, but they also resorted to aggressive actions against our National… pic.twitter.com/zJGCIiz7W2 — All India Trinamool Congress October 2, …