New Delhi The action came on a petition filed by residents with the National Green Tribunal in May 2023. Delhi Jal Board and a private company operating the Kondli sewage treatment plant were penalised ₹17 lakh for failing to meet permissible standards and discharging sewage directly into the Yamuna, the Delhi Pollution Control Committee told the National Green Tribunal. In …
The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has informed the National Green Tribunal that corrective action to revive Satpula Lake near Khirki village, south Delhi has been initiated by the Delhi Development Authority, months after it found that the water body was suffering from high algal bloom. In a report to the tribunal on December 13, DPCC said that DDA — the …
The National Green Tribunal rapped the Delhi Jal Board for failing to provide accurate information on a decentralised sewage treatment plant at Smriti Van in Vasant Kunj—set up to revive the “Macchli talab” pond—and cited the lack of coordination between the DJB and Delhi Development Authority as a key reason for the demise of the water body, which continues to …
Excess wastage of water by use of Reverse Osmosis process NGT dealt with the issue of conservation of potable water by preventing its wastage on account of unnecessary use of Reverse Osmosis9RO) systems. In view of the above, the Tribunal directed Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to issue an appropriate notification prohibiting the use of RO where TDS …