Hyderabad: The trial run for sewage treatment plants being constructed under the aegis of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board is nearing completion, board managing director Dana Kishore said on Saturday. Kishore said that work had been completed on the Durgam Cheruvu STP, with a capacity of 7 million gallons a day, and it was undergoing trial runs for …
HYDERABAD: Durgam Cheruvu Sewage Treatment Plant, one of the 31 STPS being constructed in the city, is nearing completion and is likely to be operational by the end of this month, said an official from the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board. According to a water board official, the Durgam Cheruvu STP, being constructed at an approximate cost of …
Hyderabad: The state government has decided to set up the Durgam Cheruvu Development Corporation to improve the water quality in the lake and develop it as a world class tourist destination. Municipal administration principal secretary Arvind Kumar has handed over the job to the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and asked it submit proposals at the earliest. Currently, the Durgam Cheruvu …