Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Tuesday laid foundation stones for several development works worth Rs 396.09 crore in the Mahbubnagar district. The Chief Minister visited Mahbubnagar as part of his district tour programme, which is aimed at monitoring the implementation of government schemes and interacting with people and local officials and to interact with Congress workers to strengthen …
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said recycling and recharge are solutions to the groundwater depletion in the country and said his government and the Centre are working together on a massive groundwater recharge programme for the national capital. Kejriwal, along with Union Jalshakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, laid the foundation stone for India's largest sewage treatment plant in …
Sankat Mochan Foundation, which has been monitoring the quality of the Ganga water for over three decades, found in its latest study that levels of faecal coliform bacteria had risen substantially, while levels of dissolved oxygen had dropped. The study showed that levels of faecal coliform, a form of bacteria, in the Ganga had risen substantially, while levels of dissolved …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated two important roads, having a total length of 34 kilometres and built at a cost of Rs 1,571.95 crore, in his Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi. PM Modi also inaugurated two sewage infrastructure projects worth Rs 425.41 crore in Varanasi and laid the foundation stone for another project worth Rs 72.91 crore for Ramnagar. …