Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Tuesday laid foundation stones for several development works worth Rs 396.09 crore in the Mahbubnagar district. The Chief Minister visited Mahbubnagar as part of his district tour programme, which is aimed at monitoring the implementation of government schemes and interacting with people and local officials and to interact with Congress workers to strengthen …
Members of Karnataka State Commission for the Protection of Child Rights Shashidhar Kosambe and Shekhargouda Ramatnal have expressed displeasure over lack of minimum safety measures around the Sewage Treatment Plant in Vijayapura, where three children drowned recently. Visiting the STP that is located off the main road in Vijayapura on Friday, Mr. Kosambe and Mr. Ramatnal found that there was …
The city is overly dependent on water from the Cauvery river and it was high time it looked for other alternatives, said K.N. He was speaking at an event where members of the public gave suggestions on water security as part of the Brand Bengaluru campaign in the city on Thursday. Many water conservation activists and residents who participated in …
The Maharashtra Appellate Authority of Advance Ruling consisting of members Rajeev Kumar Mital and Ashok Kumar Mehta has ruled that sewage treatment plants are exempted from the goods and service tax. The appellant has set up a new sewage treatment plant, which became operational on September 10, 2019, with the objective of becoming self-reliant in meeting the daily process water …