Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Tuesday laid foundation stones for several development works worth Rs 396.09 crore in the Mahbubnagar district. The Chief Minister visited Mahbubnagar as part of his district tour programme, which is aimed at monitoring the implementation of government schemes and interacting with people and local officials and to interact with Congress workers to strengthen …
HYDERABAD: While inspecting development works at the Neopolis Layout in Kokapet, being developed by HMDA, on Saturday, minister K.T. Rama Rao told engineers at the site that as it was a greenfield project, there was great potential to build world class facilities. The minister also conducted a surprise inspection of the under-construction sewage treatment plant in Fatehnagar and inspected development …
Hyderabad: The HMDA has decided to develop the 5.5-km P.V. Narasimha Rao Marg, the former Necklace Road, on par with the Tank Bund stretch, in a project costing Rs 6.5 crore. It has floated tenders to procure consultancy services for augmentation and upgradation of the existing five million litres a day, 20 MLD and 30 MLD capacities of the STP …