Rajkummar Rao earned more than Shraddha Kapoor? According to the report, Shraddha charged ₹5 crore for Stree 2, which was the second highest paycheck after Rajkummar Rao. Moreover, as per a report by Free Press Journal, actor Pankaj Tripathi reportedly took home ₹3 crore for Stree 2. Aparshakti Khurana was reportedly paid around ₹70 lakh, while Abhishek Banerjee charged close …
Shraddha Kapoor is currently on cloud nine as she is celebrating the success of her latest release, Stree 2. To celebrate the milestone, the makers of the film organised a success party which was attended by all the major cast of Stree 2. Image Source : VIRAL BHAYANI Stars at Stree 2's success party About Stree 2 and its box …
Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor-led horror-comedy Stree 2 has secured the biggest opening for a Hindi film in 2024. The film, released on the opportune Independence Day holiday, on August 15, collected ₹46 crore approximately on its first day and ₹8 crore from select screenings on the previous night, reports stated. Additionally, the two major hits of the previous year, …
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles. Aparshakti Khurana, Pankaj Tripathi, Shraddha Kapoor, and Rajkummar Rao in a still from Stree 2. Stree 2 advance bookings According to the report, 9731 tickets of the film were sold for 2008 shows, and it grossed ₹37.58 lakh in Hindi. The …
Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor are once again reunited in the Maddock Supernatural Universe. After Shraddha Kapoor's previous cameo in the peppy track Thumkeshwari from Bhediya, Varun Dhawan makes a special appearance in the romantic song Khoobsurat. Varun Dhawan-Shraddha Kapoor's chemistry in the song Khoobsurat is praised by fans. Stree romances Bhediya, Vicky in Khoobsurat song The song starts with …