Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra was also one of the speakers at the Rising India Summit 2024. Sidharth Malhotra opens up about struggling days Sidharth reminisced about his struggling days in a recent media interaction and said, "Ek din mein aap kuch 35-40,000 kama sakte the. A look at Sidharth Malhotra's acting career For the unversed, Sid Malhotra started his career …
In an exclusive conversation with Firstpost, birthday boy Kartik Aaryan opens up about his struggling days, successful journey in Bollywood and more. From Pyaar Ka Punchnama in 2011 to Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 in 2022, Kartik Aaryan’s rise to the top has been a textbook illustration on self-actualization. As Kartik turns a year older, the actor gets candid about his struggling …
VIjay Deverakonda may be a big superstar now, however, things weren't always so rosy for him. VIJAY DEVERAKONDA ON HIS STRUGGLING DAYS Talking about his struggling days in the entertainment industry, Vijay Deverakonda said, "It was not easy. I used to scan through websites posting casting calls.” Vijay added, “Then I played a supporting role in a film and then …
Poonam Dubey, a well-known face from Bhojpuri film industry, recently remembered her struggling days by sharing a throwback picture on social media. Poonam Dubey, who will soon be seen in Bhojpuri film Himmat, recently wrapped the dubbing for the movie. Poonam Dubey Instagram One of Bhojpuri's hottest actress Poonam Dubey is known for her amazing dance moves in the industry. …
Latest Bollywood News and Updates March 12: Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who has stepped into the shoes of a rapper for a song in film Badla, revealed that he tried to imitate Ranveer Singh from Gully Boy. The actress revealed that 'It was traumatic to experience' Amitabh Bachchan reveals he tried to imitate Ranveer Singh from Gully Boy but failed …