Around 500 kg of chemicals were airlifted from Gujarat and sent to Visakhapatnam on Thursday to neutralise the impact of hazardous gas Styrene that leaked at the plant in the early hours claiming more than half a dozen lives. Due to the lockdown, officials at LG Polymers Private Ltd, where the gas leak took place, requested the government authorities to …
After the news of the hazardous styrene gas leak in Vizag’s LG Chemicals plant, another report of an alleged gas leak in a Chhattisgarh plant has surfaced. As per reports, 7 workers in a paper mill in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh have been hospitalised. 7 workers of a Paper Mill hospitalised after being exposed to a gas leak reportedly while cleaning a …
A major gas leak from a chemical plant in Andhra Pradesh's Visakhapatnam occured early on Thursday and quickly spread to villages in a five-kilometre radius, killing at least 11 people and affecting thousands. The styrene gas leaked around 2.30 am on Thursday from a chemical factory called LG Polymers India Pvt Ltd in RR Venkatapuram village near Visakhapatnam. According to …