Prohibitory orders were imposed in Palakkad district of Kerala on Sunday and special investigation teams have been formed to probe the murders of two political workers belonging to Social Democratic Party of India and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in less than 24 hours this week, police said. While four RSS workers were among those taken into custody in connection with Subair’s …
After the murder of a Social Democratic Party of India worker in Palakkad in Kerala, a Rashtriya Swayam Sevak worker was murdered in broad daylight on Saturday, April 16. SDPI WORKER HACKED The murder of the RSS worker took place a day after a Social Democratic Party of India worker was hacked to death. He was allegedly hacked to death …
A worker of the Social Democratic Party of India, the political offshoot of Islamist outfit Popular Front of India, was allegedly hacked to death by five people in the Palakkad district of Kerala on Friday. However, BJP Palakkad district president KM Haridas said in a press release that "neither the party nor any workers were involved in the incident". The …