BENGALURU: Karnataka police on Saturday arrested Atul Subash's estranged wife, her mother and brother in connection withe the suicide of the techie. The accused have been identified as Nikita Singhania, Atul's wife; Nisha Singhania, his mother-in-law; and Anurag Singhania, his brother-in-law. According to a press release by the police, Nikita was arrested on Saturday morning in Gurgaon, Haryana, while Nisha …
The Erode police on Thursday, March 7, 2024, arrested a couple, who had opposed the inter-caste marriage of their daughter with an Adi Dravidar young man, on charges of attempting to kill their son-in-law, in Bhavanisagar by ramming his bike with a van. Police said J. Subash of Guruvayurappan Nagar in Bhavanisagar, who owns and operates a private ambulance, married …
Santoshi Tamang’s nightmares repeat. — Ha Jeong-su, corporate affairs officer for Hyundai Heavy Industries Another of Subash’s nephews in Saudi Arabia, a jovial long-haul trucker named Bhawindra Tamang, said he saw Subash once during that period. Subash said that when he asked why he couldn’t go home, or even leave the plant site, all Hyundai would tell him was: “If …