The Maharashtra government will roll out a scheme within a month to provide sanitary napkins at a subsidised rate to school girls and women from self-help groups, Rural Development Minister Girish Mahajan told the assembly on Friday. Responding to Bharatiya Janata Party legislator Namita Mundada during the question hour, Mr. Mahajan said the government is considering fixing the price of …
The government reportedly spends around Rs 31 lakh a year on an undergraduate student at New Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences against an annual fee of about Rs 5,000 only. Medical colleges are churning out a large number of doctors—though still not proficient enough to meet international standards—there is a reluctance on the part of these doctors to …
The virtue of education will be hit if the state decides what jobs students can take up In Plato’s seminal work Republic, the discussion around the idea of justice invariable gets down to the question of education and its quality, where Socrates says that it is pointless to worry over specific laws, since proper education ensures lawful behaviour and poor …