The Commissioner of Health and Family welfare service, Dr. K V Thrilok Chandra, appeared before the Karnataka High Court on Thursday and informed the court that the department is interested in implementing the SUCHI scheme in right earnest. Pursuant to the order, the Commissioner appeared before the court and informed that, "Finance department has already approved the budget of Rs …
The Karnataka High Court on Thursday directed the Commissioner of Health and Family wWelfare services to personally remain present before the court on August 5 and place on record the progress that has been made in the implementation of SUCHI scheme. You had said even if schools are closed the adolescent girls who don't come to school will be distributed …
Observing that the "We appreciate that the State health department is focussing its attention on various aspects of Covid-19. However, we do not think that SUCHI scheme could be ignored as such," the Karnataka High Court on Monday directed the State government to ensure that all efforts are made for proper implementation of the scheme.A division bench of Justice B …