In a recent interview with Suchitra she opened up about her feelings towards actor Vijay being rumoured to have dated actress Trisha and also gave her comments about Vijay’s political career aspirations. Vijay has distanced himself from his parents and wife, but he remains alone without any introspection however nevertheless he is now in politics.” In particular, Suchitra emphasized the …
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Suchitra, who was recently seen in season two of Broken News, has revealed that while Lars dated her Dil Chahta Hai co-star Preity before their relationship, and she was not the reason for their breakup. Shunning away from boyfriend snatcher tag Talking about the media giving her the tag of ‘boyfriend snatcher’, Suchitra said, …
To mark the 80th birthday of celebrated German filmmaker Werner Herzog, the Goethe-Institut, Bengaluru has organised a film series in partnership with Suchitra Cine Academy and Cultural Foundation. Well-known film critic and writer M K Raghavendra will give a talk at the event, titled Werner Herzog: Civilisation and the ‘Primitive’. A leading exponent of post-War West German cinema, he pioneered …