Suchitra Pillai has revealed Sharmila Tagore's reaction to Saif Ali Khan getting slapped in Dil Chahta Hai. Saif Ali Khan is the son of veteran actor Sharmila Tagore. In the initial portions of the film, Suchitra Pillai gives Saif Ali Khan a slap after a fight. “I said mam I hope you remember I am Suchitra the one who slaps …
Actor Suchitra Pillai took a trip down memory lane as her movie Dil Chahta Hai clocked 20 years. Suchitra Pillai along with Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshaye Khanna in Dil Chahta Hai. Dil Chahta Hai featured Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshaye Khanna as three friends and how their coming of age stories. In an interview with …