Romeo Akbar Walter, directed by Robbie Grewal, depicts a politically tense India. The film, also featuring Mouni Roy, Jackie Shroff, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi and Sikander Kher, is essentially a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase as many try to unveil Abraham’s true identity in the film. As state governments intensify crackdowns in 1970’s, Romeo Akbar Walter emerges to showcase real-life events. Romeo Akbar Walter …
John Abraham’s espionage drama Romeo Akbar Walter is all set to hit screens on 12 April. Starring Mouni Roy, Jackie Shroff, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi and Sikander Kher, Romeo Akbar Walter has been directed Robbie Grewal. — taran adarsh January 12, 2019 Romeo Akbar Walter has been facing troubles ever since it was first announced. It was later announced that John Abraham …