The Rajasthan International Folk Festival at Jodhpur’s spectacular Mehrangarh Fort attracts music lovers from across India and the world. The Warsi Brothers comprising Naseer and Nazeer Ahmed Khan Warsi In keeping with its annual tradition, the festival opened with a Bal Mela held in the morning at the Veer Durga Das Memorial Park to showcase a dazzling variety of folk …
Rivaayat, an evening of Sufi and Classical Music Journey with Ustad Puran Chand Wadali and Lakhwinder Wadali will be held on Sunday 21st September in the city at Shilpakala Vedika, Madhapur at 6.30 pm After two decades, the legendary Wadali family returns to Hyderabad for an unforgettable evening of Sufi and classical music. The special concert, Rivaayat: A Musical Journey …
The five-day Awadh Mahotsav that will start from Sangeet Natak Akademi’s Gomtinagar campus from Monday will be a mix of music, dance, cuisine with artists from across the state tipped to arrive here to showcase their talent. Five-day of cultural extravaganza to begin in Lucknow today The Mahotsav organised by Culture and Tourism Department, in collaboration with SNA, will feature …
Stepping onto the red carpet, guided by the doorman at Tudum on a crisp November evening in Bengaluru, the jasmine gajra adorning my right hand, hints at the immersive experience awaiting within. Tudum, an onomatopoeic echo familiar to Netflix enthusiasts, is not just a restaurant; it hopes to be a festive dining space with sufi nights, belly dancing and aerial …
Compiled by Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted every day lives and while we all struggle to recreate life as we knew it, public gatherings, live events and concerts continue to elude us. On this week’s #FridayList: a talk on wax carving, a performance exploring the mysticism of Sufi art and a web series shot from the confines of …