A 43-year-old man from the Maldives was discovered dead under unclear circumstances in a hotel room in the RT Nagar area of Bengaluru on Wednesday. The deceased has been identified as Hassan Suhail, and he had checked into the Kanaka Krishna Comforts hotel in Ganganagar, located along Ballari Road, after arriving in Bengaluru on November 10, The Times of India …
There are rumours that BharatPe is planning a leadership transition. Suhail Sameer, the business’s chief executive, is leaving the company, as per a report in Mint. Afterwards, as Grover’s focus moved to obtaining a banking license after purchasing PMC Bank and raising money, all of the company’s top executives were asked to report to Sameer. In recent weeks, in response …
BharatPe chief executive Suhail Sameer in a communication to employees has stated that there were a couple of "serious allegations" of governance lapses, which warranted a fine-tooth-comb audit of governance practices by outside experts. Later, Grover reportedly stated that he was "arm-twisted" by the company's investors into going on leave and had lost confidence in CEO Sameer Suhail, and he …
While hearing the bail applications preferred by the husband and in-laws of a 2nd year LLB student, Mofiya Parveen, who died by suicide citing domestic abuse and dowry harassment, the Kerala High Court took a firm stand that it will not be influenced by the public opinion or media coverage of the issue. Justice Gopinath P disclosed this view when …
Threat assessment revealed as protests against Taliban takeover spread and fighters open fire on crowds. 19 Aug 2021 - 13:20 GMT Taliban face ‘existential’ choice on international recognition: Biden The Taliban face an “existential” choice about how they are seen by the rest of the world after their sweeping military victory in Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden said. Today, a …