Over the past 10 years, Kahaani has got a cult status, something that filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh finds very flattering. Filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh’s movie Kahaani clocks 10 years on March 9. But Ghosh says that the journey of the film from inception to execution was a tough one, especially since it was a female led story. “Kahaani helped assure people with …
“Prosthetics, no matter how professionally done, always look fake. I needed to feel Bob Biswas’s belly, and not just pretend with a pillow tied to my midriff,” says Abhishek Bachchan in an exclusive interview. The trailer of Bob Biswas, starring Abhishek Bachchan as the infamous hitman from Sujoy Ghosh’s Kahaani, renewed interest in the fictional character when it released last …