The Bombay high court on Thursday granted bail to alleged conman Sukash aka Shekhar aka Sukesh Chandrashekhar who was arrested in connection with a multi-crore fraud case in 2015. Chandrashekhar had been arrested in connection with the multi-crore fraud case by the Economic Offences Wing of Mumbai police on May 29, 2015. Assistant public prosecutor Mayur Sonavane opposed Chandrashekhar’s bail …
HYDERABAD: The Enforcement Directorate officials, who arrested MBS Jewellers director Sukesh Gupta in connection with the PMLA cases, have found that he colluded with employees of Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India and duped it to the tune of Rs 504 crore. The ED conducted a search operation on MBS Jewellers Private Limited, Musaddilal Gems and Jewels India Private …
Actor Jacqueline Fernandez, who is being investigated by Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case, was on Saturday granted permission by a Delhi court to travel abroad. Jacqueline had applied before the court to suspend this LOC and allow her to travel abroad to attend the IIFA Awards in the UAE. The applicant is granted permission to travel to Abu …
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been allowed by the court to travel abroad to attend the International Indian Film Academy awards. On Saturday, the court suspended the Look Out Circular against Jacqueline Fernandez and granted her permission to travel to Abu Dhabi from May 31 to June 6. Jacqueline Fernandez had sought permission from a Delhi court to travel to …