Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has written a fresh letter for Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez from jail. He is also accused in several other cases being investigated by ED, Delhi Police and Economic Offences Wing. The ED's case is based on an FIR filed by Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing against Sukesh Chandrasekhar who is accused of cheating and extorting Japna Singh …
Jacqueline Fernandez is part of an ongoing investigation in connection with the ₹200-crore money laundering case involving alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekar. Recently, the Enforcement Directorate opposed Jacqueline's bail plea in connection with the money laundering case involving Sukesh. Now, Jacqueline's lawyer Prashant Patil has reacted to Sukesh’s latest letter to his lawyer and said his claims in the letter should …
Actor Jacqueline Fernandez, who is being investigated by Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case, was on Saturday granted permission by a Delhi court to travel abroad. Jacqueline had applied before the court to suspend this LOC and allow her to travel abroad to attend the IIFA Awards in the UAE. The applicant is granted permission to travel to Abu …