The police on Friday arrested two fourth year students of a private engineering college in Coimbatore and their friend on charges of ragging a second year student, accusing him of “not respecting seniors”. The arrested were identified as Muthukumar of Kumbakonam and Gokul of Karur, both fourth year engineering students of RVS College of Engineering and Technology at Kannampalayam near …
Sightings of spotted deer in new places outside forests in Coimbatore district, as far as Selakkarichal in Sultanpet union, could be a sign of the herbivore population slowly extending their ranges to suitable habitats in semi-urban and rural pockets, according to the Forest Department and experts. People of Selakkarichal, around 10 km from Sulur, have been seeing a few spotted …
The helicopter was on its way from Sulur in Coimbatore to DSC in Wellington where Rawat, along with Chief of Army Staff MM Naravane, was slated to participate in an event later Nilgiirs/Delhi: An Indian Air Force helicopter with Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat on board met with an accident on Wednesday near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu, the …