Sudip Kumar Gharami led from the front with a superbly paced century to guide Bengal to an emphatic six-wicket win against Bihar in the Vijay Hazare Trophy Group E match at Gymkhana Ground on Friday. Chasing 236, Bengal was off to an impressive start with openers Abishek Porel and Gharami, who was dropped on 17 when Piyush Kumar floored a …
Anustup Majumdar and Sumanta Gupta strung together an unbroken 158-run stand for the third wicket to guide Bengal to a seven-wicket win against Baroda in the Vijay Hazare Trophy one-day cricket championship Group E match at Gymkhana Ground here on Saturday. Chasing a victory target of 229, Bengal faltered at the start, with southpaw Abishek Porel mistiming a hook stroke …
The Noord-Holland court sentenced 42-year-old Manodj B. to 15 years in prison for killing 22-year-old Sumanta Bansi and disposing of her body. The court considers it implausible that Sumanta left voluntarily and accepted the Prosecutor’s conclusion that the young woman had been killed. The authorities listened in on B.’s phone conversations and heard him say that he killed her “through …