Telugu movie Aham Reboot, written and directed by Prashanth Sagar Atluri, has been making headlines since it was announced. Addressing the film at an event, Prashanth Sagar stated that Aham Reboot has several twists and would appeal to people who enjoy racy thrillers. Sumanth, who has earlier been seen in most romantic dramas, is playing a different role in this …
Allahabad High Court: Allahabad High Court Stays GST Demand On Payment Of Royalty To Conduct Mining Activity Case Title: M/s Jitendra Singh versus Union of India The Allahabad High Court bench of Justice Saumitra Dayal Singh has stayed the GST demand on payment of royalty to conduct mining activity. Show Cause Notice Cancelling GST Registration Must Disclose Reason: Allahabad High …