Ever since the first Sunday Ka Vaar of Bigg Boss OTT, host Karan Johar has been accused of being biased. Evicted contestant Moose Jattana opened up about the same and claimed that KJo only asks Shamita and Neha Bhasin for clarifications. She also said that he made Divya Agarwal look like the 'vamp,' Moose Jattana told Etimes, "When you are …
Actresses Nikki Tamboli and Rubina Dilaik are all set to enter the ‘Bigg Boss OTT house as guests for the ‘Sunday Ka Vaar episode. The show, which is hosted by Karan Johar, will now see two popular contestants of ‘Bigg Boss 14' -- Nikki and Rubina. When Nikki asks Rubina who is her favourite contestant, the latter names Shamita Shetty, …
The Bigg Boss OTT episodes are full of crazy fights and high-voltage drama. RIDHIMA PANDIT, KARAN NATH GET ELIMINATED In a shocking round of elimination, Ridhima Pandit and Karan Nath were shown the way out in today's Sunday Ka Vaar episode. RAKHI SAWANT, HINA KHAN SET THE STAGE ON FIRE ON BIGG BOSS OTT In today's episode of Sunday Ka …
After a week of fights, emotions entertainment and tasks, the Sunday Ka Vaar saw the first eviction in the house. Here's everything you need to know about what happened on Sunday Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss OTT. Divya Agarwal, who got saved after being the first nominated contestant on Bigg Boss OTT, didn't have a pleasant Sunday Ka Vaar. …