Army, on Monday, opened fire on suspicious movement of infiltrators at two places along the Line of Control in Akhnoor in Jammu district and Sunderbani in Rajouri district. Following the suspicious movement, the army also deployed its elite para commandos at Akhnoor’s Battal area and shut down half a dozen schools as a precautionary measure. “Alert troops opened fire after …
Army, on Monday, opened fire on suspicious movement of infiltrators at two places along the Line of Control in Akhnoor in Jammu district and Sunderbani in Rajouri district. {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} Following the suspicious movement, the army also deployed its elite para commandos at Akhnoor’s Battal area and shut down half a dozen schools as a precautionary measure. “Alert …
There has been a spurt in ceasefire violations by Pakistan after India’s preemptive air strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammad terror camp in Balakot on 26 February following the 14 February Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed An army jawan was killed and four others critically injured during fresh ceasefire violation by Pakistani forces at the Line of …