Amid chants of Bharat Mata ki jai, 23-year-old Anju Devi lifts a.303 bore rifle. At a press conference in Jammu on Friday, responding to a question from The Hindu about the intention behind giving arms training to civilians, Mr. Shah said, “Do not link the training of VDCs to Dangri killings. 30,000 weapons with civilians A senior government official said …
Dozens of forward posts and villages in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri and Poonch districts were on Wednesday targetted by the Pakistan army as shelling along the Line of Control with artillery guns continued, officials said, adding the Indian Army retaliated strongly and effectively and the exchange of heavy fire caused panic among the border residents. While the cross-border skirmishes lasted …
Jammu: The Pakistan army on Wednesday targeted dozens of forward posts and villages with artillery guns along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri and Poonch districts, officials said. The intense shelling and firing from across the border continued throughout the night in Sunderbani sector of Rajouri district, while it started in Krishna Ghati sector of Poonch in …