No doubt, hotshot star Ravi Teja's movie 'Tiger Nageshwar Rao' has triggered enough buzz and is set for a pan-India release very soon. However, an industry source claims that Rana Daggubati refused to play the role of a dreaded thief from Bapatla before it was accepted by Ravi Teja. "After listening to the entire script from Vamsee for two hours, …
In a heart-touching moment, a man in Ampapuram in Andhra Pradesh's Krishna district erected a statue of his pet dog on its fifth death anniversary on Thursday. Sunkara Jnana Prakasa Rao said the dog remained with his family for 9 years. Speaking about erecting the statue, Sunkara Jnana Prakasa Rao said, "We considered him as our own child. Image Source …