Hyderabad: Two minor girls who had gone missing from the city were traced in Andhra Pradesh by the Kukatpally police within 24 hours of receiving complaint, thanks to cooperation of their classmates and the Chirala police in Andhra. According to Kukatpally inspector M. Muthu, the girls, who had gone to school but had not returned home, were traced at the …
GUNTUR: Police rescued as many as 11 persons from drowning in various incidents at Suryalanka beach in Bapatla district in the past two days. In similar incidents, the police rescued five other tourists from drowning on Thursday. SP Vakul Jindal lauded the skilled divers and police personnel for rescuing the tourists and awarded them with appreciation certificates. As many as …
Indian Missile Shield Against Potential Threats From Pak, China | IAF 'Samar' System In Action The Indian Air Force has successfully test fired the 'SAMAR' air defence missile system. The IAF used the indigenously built system for the first time during the recently held exercise AstraShakti-2023 at Air Force Station Suryalanka in Andhra Pradesh. #iaf #samar #airdefencemissilesystem #indianairforce #astrashakti #exercise …