Eight people have died due to cholera in Kashipur block of Rayagada district, officials said on Tuesday as the administration rushed to take all precautionary steps to control the spread. The Vibrio cholerae bacteria spread due to contaminated drinking water, officials said adding the water supply has been cut off in the affected area and water tank supply is being …
LOADING ERROR LOADING Our bodies produce all kinds of substances, and people have different tolerance levels for them. First of all, you probably don’t need to clean out your ears “Most people do not need to remove their ear wax,” said Dr. Erich P. Voigt, an associate professor in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. We …
RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Wednesday that some parts of the state may keep coronavirus-related restrictions in place longer than the rest of the state. Hogan said Wednesday that he’s hopeful the state can start the first phase of its reopening plan, including allowing some small businesses to resume operations, next week. Also on Wednesday, the Virginia …