HYDERABAD: Cyberabad police on Wednesday claimed that they had arrested three persons, including a Delhi-based swamiji, at a farmhouse in Moinabad for allegedly offering Rs 15 crore as an advance to four TRS legislators to leave the party. Police said that they had seized Rs 15 crore cash in denominations of Rs 2,000 and Rs 500 from a car, which …
The Central government has come with a scheme to support gaushalas by providing them financial assistance. Under the new scheme of Modi government, an amount of Rs 900 crore will be allotted for registered gaushalas. According to reports, Sri Vishwaprasanna Tirtha Swamiji had written to the finance minister in the month of August urging her to allot an amount of …
Udupi: The famous Udupi Sri Krishna Math will shortly have a new attraction in the form of a suvarna gopura, joining the league of the select few temples that boast of it in the country. Under this dream project of Vidyadheesha Teertha swamiji of Palimaru Math, who is the present paryaya peetadhipathi, the 2,500 sq ft gopura will receive a …