Rithvik Raja concluded his two-hour vocal concert with Gopalakrishna Bharati’s ‘Eppo varuvaro’ in Jhonpuri. I was reminded of the elaborate raga exposition of Bhairavi followed by tanam for the Ata tala varnam, ‘Viriboni’, presented by Rithvik’s mentor at a December Season concert a few years ago. Before this, there were smartly-framed swara sallies centred on dhaivatam that added lustre to …
The violin concert of A. Kanyakumari for Nayaki at Abhirami Hall, Kotturpuram, had all the necessary features to make a concert engaging, entertaining and also exciting. Kanyakumari came up with an exquisite sketch of the raga before taking up ‘Sri Ganesha Charanam’ by Papanasam Sivan, appending it with a lively swara exchange with her disciple L. Ramakrishna. Obliging the audience, …