Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad’s wedding festivities concluded with a traditional style Walima in Bareilly. Fahad complemented his next bride by twinning his sartorial pick for his reception in the matching hues of Swara’s lehenga. pic.twitter.com/apHXfXts0f — Suhaib Ansari March 19, 2023 On the other hand, Swara’s video capturing her Bidaai moment went crazy viral on the internet. Thanking Swara’s …
The article explores the story of Anarkali, a Bhojpuri song that became controversial due to its vulgar lyrics. Despite the song's provocative nature, the singers' voices were beautiful and their performance lacked lasciviousness. The article highlights the pain and vulnerability that singers often hide behind provocative lyrics, leading to the complex and nuanced portrayal of Anarkali's story.