September 13, 2023 08:38 pm | Updated 08:38 pm IST - Bengaluru The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike Chief Commissioner, Tushar Giri Nath on Wednesday directed executive engineers of the Storm-water Drain Department to identify fresh encroachments in ten days. Mr. Giri Nath, holding a meeting with officials, said action will be initiated against officials in case of delay in clearing …
Bengaluru: Residents of India's Silicon Valley are dreading the next bout of unseasonal thunderstorms and rains. Reason: the persistent and heavy rains witnessed in the city over the last few days is wreaking havoc on its inadequate infrastructure, with long traffic snarls, flooded roads, uprooted trees and power outages becoming the new normal. Bengaluru’s storm water drain systems are also …