An absconding Bajrang Dal activist,the prime suspect in the violence that rocked Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr this week, defended himself on Wednesday, claiming he wasn’t present when the clashes between police and a local mob left a police inspector and a villager dead. The video clip came on a day the Uttar Pradesh police hinted at a “conspiracy” behind the mob …
As eyewitness reports and videos of a mob killing a UP police inspector in Bulandshahr emerged, one thing seems to be clear. Bulandshahr is infamous for communal tension and illegal cow slaughter and yet, from Saturday till Monday, more than 10 lakh Muslim devotees took part in a massive congregation called Alami Tablighi Iztema. It seems, there was a conspiracy …
A police inspector was killed in clashes with a group of protesters in Bulandshahr's Syana in Uttar Pradesh on Monday over reports of cow slaughter. The clashes took place after the police officers tried to placate any angry group of people that was protesting against illegal animal slaughter. The Uttar Pradesh Police's Additional Director General of law and order, Anand …