Delhi University recently dropped Mahasweta Devi’s renowned short story, Draupadi, and two Dalit writers — Bama and Sukirtharani — from the BA English syllabus. And it is often through university syllabi that young minds are introduced to such writing which may not feature in the usual bestseller lists or other traps laid out by corporate publishing intended to endear readers …
In view of the “burden” on students amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education has selectively removed portions from the textbooks of Classes 9 to 12, effecting a 30 per cent reduction in as many as 190 subjects for the academic year 2020-21. Omitting historical facts or banning literature sets us on a dangerous path that cannot …
While keeping in mind that English is a global language and gives more exposure to students, the Medical Council of India has inspected the serious matter of educating medical students in the language of Hindi. The Council's decision is against it according to Union Health Minister JP Nadda, as he told PTI: "It was observed by them that there is …
Universities and institutes across the country are going beyond ‘listening’ to students and are making them stakeholders in designing and executing curriculums, allowing them to shape what they learn and how they learn it. “At our institute, students provide feedback through discussions with the quality assurance team that ensures curriculum and course content is relevant,” says Anitha Ramanna Pathak, manager …