Experts have raised grave concerns about upending the platform’s verification system that, while not perfect, has helped Twitter’s 238 million daily users determine whether accounts they get information from are authentic San Francisco: Twitter has announced a subscription service for $7.99 a month that includes a blue check now given only to verified accounts as new owner Elon Musk works …
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has said the reports of Twitter’s billionaire new CEO Elon Musk laying off the entire human rights team working with the social media giant were not “an encouraging start”. In the open letter, Türk said he was writing with “concern and apprehension about our digital public square and Twitter’s role in …
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk has urged Twitter chief Elon Musk to ensure that human rights are central to the management of Twitter under the latter’s leadership. In an open letter issued to Musk, Türk addressed reports of sacking of Twitter’s entire human rights team and all but two of ethical AI teams and said that …
SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter has announced a subscription service for $7.99 a month that includes a blue check now given only to verified accounts as new owner Elon Musk works to overhaul the platform’s verification system just ahead of U.S. midterm elections. In an update to Apple iOS devices available in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K., …