West Bengal : The Border Security Force on Tuesday foiled an attempt to smuggle 17 kg of silver ornaments worth Rs 12.7 lakh along with medicines and liquor through passenger buses at the Indo-Bangladesh border. The BSF apprehended six bus drivers and helpers along with silver ornaments from two passenger buses of Green Line Travels. During the search, the jawans …
Bangladesh's top court has ordered Nobel laureate and microfinance pioneer Muhammad Yunus to pay more than $1 million in taxes on a $7 million donation made to three charitable trusts, lawyers said Monday. Yunus, 83, is credited with lifting millions out of poverty with his pioneering micro-credit bank, but he has fallen out with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who has …
Bangladesh and India last week launched a trade transaction in local currency in their bid to reduce dependence on the US dollar and strengthen regional currency and trade. A senior official said on Tuesday that Bangladesh is set to launch three major infrastructure projects, including a power plant, under India’s financial assistance in September. Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka Pranay …