The Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court ruled that a husband cannot evade his obligation to maintain his wife merely by claiming to have divorced her. Justice Vinod Chatterji Koul emphasized that the husband must not only prove the pronouncement of Talaak or the execution of a divorce deed but must also demonstrate that sincere efforts were made by …
The Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court recently held that for a Muslim husband to avoid his liability to maintain his wife on the ground that he has divorced his wife, has not only to show that the divorce is validly pronounced in accordance with Muslim law but he has also to show that the said divorce has been …
The Punjab & Haryana High Court recently ordered police protection who 'may been misled into marriage' as her husband's first wife claimed that he re-married after giving her Triple Talaq which is illegal in the eyes of law. She further submitted that Man claimed to have divorced her by triple Talaak having pronounced "Talaak Talaak Talaak" three times to her, …