Hyundai Motor India today launched Santro Anniversary Edition for a starting price of Rs 5.17 lakh. Based on Santro Sportz variant, Hyundai Santro Anniversary Edition is available in Aqua Teal and Polar White colour options. The new Santro Anniversary Edition comes with exterior features like gunmetal grey wheel covers, black ORVMs and door handles, glossy black roof rails, bodyside moulding, …
Almost a year after the launch of the all-new Santro, Hyundai Motor India is set to introduce the Anniversary Edition of the popular hatchback. Based on the Sportz trim, Hyundai Santro Anniversary Edition will be available in manual as well as automatic transmission options. According to details leaked by a YouTube channel named Car Duniya, the Anniversary Edition of Hyundai …
Hyundai is all set to launch Grand i10 Nios, the third-generation of its popular hatchback, in India on August 20, 2019. Hyundai Grand i10 Nios bookings have commenced and the upcoming vehicle can be booked through the official website as well as Hyundai dealerships across the country for a token amount of Rs 11,000. The upcoming Hyundai Grand i10 Nios …
Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan has some major projects in her kitty. Sara Ali Khan is wearing a Global Desi summer dress which costs around Rs 3,699 on the brand's official website. It's refreshing to see the daughter of such famous Bollywood stars Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, wearing budget outfits. Sara Ali Khan's teal dress Sara Ali Khan …