Kangana Ranaut has criticised Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal, though she didn't name the film. Taking to X on Monday, Kangana said that the audience encourages 'women beating films where they are treated like sex objects and asked to lick shoes'. Kangana Ranaut shared posts on X. Kangana on why she didn't star in films with Ranbir, Salman, Akshay Kangana also hinted …
Chandramukhi 2, directed by P Vasu and featuring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut in the lead roles, is set to make its way to theaters soon. A tweet from industry tracker LetsCinema on Friday confirmed the change, stating, “BREAKING NEWS: Chandramukhi 2 postponed to September 28.” However, there hasn’t been any response from the movie’s cast or makers regarding the …
Madhur Bhandarkar’s Fashion completes 12 years of its release. On the occasion, actress Kangana Ranaut recalled shooting for the film with Priyanka Chopra and how she was starstruck by her presence since school time. I was so starry-eyed because when I was in school, that time I have been watching her films and here I was in my initial years,” …
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif will be seen on the popular dance reality show Super Dancer Chapter 3 this weekend. Salman Khan, who is Shilpa Shetty's god friend will leave no chance to pull her leg on the show. Super Dancer Chapter 3 contestant Tejas Varma's power-packed performance with mentor Tushar Shetty leaves Salman and Katrina Kaif speechless. The one …