Xiaomi on Tuesday officially launched the price and availability of its second Leica-powered smartphone, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, for the Indian market. The Xiaomi 13 Pro comes with features like an E6 AMOLED display having a 120Hz refresh rate, a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, and a triple rear camera set up. The Xiaomi 13 Pro has a 50MP main …
Known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has claimed that Apple will adopt a "periscopic telephoto lens" in 2023. Huawei's P30 Pro allows for 5x optical zoom, and an iPhone with a periscope lens could have similar capabilities, MacRumors reported. A periscopic telephoto lens will significantly boost the iPhone's zoom capabilities, which currently max out at 2.5x optical zoom and 12x digital …