OnePlus is all set to launch its highly awaited OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R on January 7. The OnePlus 13 is expected to cost under Rs 70,000 for its base variant, while the OnePlus 13R is likely to launch at under Rs 50,000 altogether. The OnePlus 13 is expected to receive 4 years of Android updates and 5 years of …
OnePlus recently launched its new flagship, the OnePlus 8 Pro in India. OnePlus 8 Pro vs Huawei P40 Pro+: Design and display Both the Huawei P40 Pro+ and OnePlus 8 Pro seem to be solid offerings when it comes to the design. In fact, the difference is quite stark as the Huawei P40 Pro+ weighs hefty 226 grams, while the …