Anand Teltumbde, Dalit scholar and accused in the Bhima Koregaon - Elgar Parishad case has sought the special NIA court's permission for temporary bail to visit his 90-year-old mother for 15 days following brother - Milind's - death in an encounter. In his application before Special NIA judge DE Kothalikar, Teltumbde said that his father and youngest brother passed away …
Protesting against the “false allegations” against Teltumbde, the statement issued on Wednesday “strongly” condemned the threat of Teltumbde’s imminent arrest calling him distinguished scholar, civil rights activist, and one of India’s leading intellectuals. Washington: Coming out in support of Dalit scholar Anand Teltumbde more than 600 scholars from the top US and European universities have issued a joint statement urging …