The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently allowed a major couple to reside together without wedlock considering the fact that both the petitioners were above 18 years of age and thus, their choice needs to be protected. 1 is less than 21 years of age because both the petitioners are shown to be major being above 18 years of age and …
The Delhi High Court has denied bail to a woman accused of trafficking a minor tribal girl aged 14 years, noting that it was unfortunate that an innocent girl of tender age was subjected to heinous crimes and was severely abused, exploited and tortured by several people. Thereafter, the FIR further alleged that the accused persons namely Anand and Chintamani …
Remarking that a child of tender age should be handled very carefully and must be protected from every kind of hurt, whether physical or mental, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday refused to entertain the anticipatory bail application filed by a teacher who was accused of abetting a student's suicide by subjecting her to mental torture. Deceased child has specifically …