The high-profile cross-border romance between Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik and Indian tennis star Sania Mirza is in disarray, as speculated on social media and some media reports. To find Allah.” Claims of Shoaib Malik cheating on Sania while filming for a show spread like a wildfire in Pakistani media. Shoaib Malik was asked about Sania Mirza’s tennis academies and their …
Sania Mirza is an enchanting inspiration for Indian sports, tennis in particular. It is nostalgic for me", said Sania as she addressed the gathering at the prize presentation function of the Fenesta National tennis championship at the DLTA Complex. "I started my career here, and I am looking forward to launch Sania 2.0 now", said Sania, who brought her son …
New Delhi, April 13 Ace tennis player Sania Mirza feels India has made significant improvement in empowering women but there is sill more to be accomplished. Gracing the 35th Annual session of the FICCI Ladies Organisation, here on Saturday, Sania said, "In India we have come a long way in women empowerment but lot needs to be done, especially in …