A woman delivered a baby aboard a Telangana State Road Transport Corporation bus, prompting authorities of the State public transport undertaking on Saturday to issue a lifetime free travel pass to the newborn. According to the TGSRTC, it was on Friday that a woman identified as Shwetha Ratnam, who was pregnant, boarded a 1 Z bus, from Musheerabad. Bus conductor …
Hyderabad: In a heartwarming incident, Shweta Ratnam delivered a baby girl on a moving TGSRTC bus, garnering widespread attention. Shweta, who boarded the 1Z route bus from the Musheerabad Depot, experienced intense labor pains as the bus approached Bahadurpura. The bus conductor, R. Saroja, acted swiftly, alerting other women passengers who stepped in to help deliver the baby safely on …
Karimnagar: The management of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation on Wednesday announced a free lifetime bus pass for the baby girl who was born at the Karimnagar bus station on Sunday. It is to be noted here that the RTC management earlier had taken a decision to provide free bus passes to the children who are born either in …