After Sarkar's massive success, all eyes are now on Vijay's upcoming film, tentatively titled Thalapathy 63. Producer Archana Kalpathi took to Twitter to reveal that the title and first look of Thalapathy 63 will be announced on June 21, ahead of his birthday. This first look will exceed all expectations #ThalapathyBDayCelebrations " Here's the tweet: 21-06-19 / 5:59 pm will …
After the massive hit of Sarkar, Thalapathy Vijay moved on to his next film, tentatively titled Thalapathy 63. He posted a photo of director Atlee at his music studio in Chennai with the background reading, 'Thalapathy 63 first song edit.' edit of two songs " It looks like the award-winning composer has completed a majority of his work for Thalapathy …